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Still time to take part in a survey concerning the Child Strategy — tell us about your thoughts on the position and rights of children

Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
Publication date 8.10.2020 16.35
News item

Finland is preparing the first National Child Strategy. The aim of the Strategy is to ensure that the rights enshrined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child will be realised in Finland as well as possible. One of these rights is the opportunity to participate and influence.  

Now children, young people and adults have the opportunity to influence the preparation of the Child Strategy and share their thoughts about the position and rights of children. The online survey will be open until 12 October 2020. 

You can respond to the survey in Finnish, Swedish, English, Russian, North Saami or Somali. The survey has its own sections for children/young people and adults. 

During the first week, a total of about 1,300 children, young people and adults responded to the survey. 

All responses stressed the importance of everyday environments for children and everyday security. Respondents called for better opportunities to engage in leisure-time activities and for fair and non-discriminatory treatment of children. Children and young people also emphasised the role of adults who listen to them. 

Read more about the Child Strategy at lapsistrategia.fi.


Johanna Laisaari, Secretary General, [email protected], tel. +358 29 516 1177
Sanna Koulu, Senior Specialist, [email protected], tel. +358 29 516 3671 
Laura Saarinen, Project Secretary, [email protected], tel. +358 29 516 3352