Government awards new radio programme licences

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 15.11.2018 13.33
Type:Press release

On 15 November 2018 the Government granted licences for radio broadcasting in analogue terrestrial mass communications network.

The new licence period will start from the beginning of 2020. The operating licences will remain in force for ten years.

"The focus in the licence decisions has been on continuity and capacity for long-term business operations.   The aim has also been to provide opportunities for new operators. For radio listeners this shows as an even more versatile supply," says Minister of Transport and Communications Anne Berner.

"The licences were awarded for the maximum period permitted by law and there are hardly any detailed licence terms.  These measures were taken to create a stable and predictable business environment," Minister Berner says.

In the application round that ended in July 2018, all programme licences for licensed analogue radio broadcasting were open for applications. If there is not enough frequency capacity for all applicants or if the licence decision has a significant effect on the general development of the communications market, the decision on the licences is made by the Government.

For the frequencies with only applicant, the licence decision was made by the Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority.

Current licence situation remains largely unchanged

Within the national framework, the licence situation remains largely unchanged and the current operators can continue their activities. Due to scarcity in the frequencies, no licence could be granted to six applicants.

Also new frequencies were open for applications, including frequency 13 that comprises Helsinki, Jyväskylä, Kuopio, Lahti, Oulu, Tampere, Turku and Vaasa. A licence for this frequency block was granted to Businessradio Finland Oy.

A new operator in the Greater Helsinki area will be Mediatakojat that received two licences. Along with these licences the operations of Mediatakojat will cover almost the entire country.

Activities of Livelaboratory (Radio Helsinki) will expand into the regions of Oulu and Tampere

Newspaper and magazine companies are expanding into radio broadcasting. Etelä-Suomen Media Oy received licences for Pirkanmaa and Helsinki and Keski-Suomen Media Oy was awarded a licence for Jyväskylä. Both companies are part of the Keskisuomalainen group, a media publisher.

Terms concerning the programme content were set only for specialised radios: Radio Dei of Kristillinen Media Oy; Finest Plus of Finest Plus FM, Radio Classic of Kuunappi Oy and Radio Moreeni of the University of Tampere.

Licences awarded by the Government

Frequency block 1 Bauer Media Oy

Frequency block 2 Bauer Media Oy

Frequency block 3 NRJ Finland Oy

Frequency block 4 Sanoma Media Finland Oy

Frequency block 5 Sanoma Media Finland Oy

Frequency block 6 Sanoma Media Finland Oy

Frequency block 7 Kristillinen Media Oy

Frequency block 8 Sanoma Media Finland Oy

Frequency block 9 Kuunappi Oy

Frequency block 10 Basso Media Oy

Frequency block 11 NRJ Finland Oy

Frequency block 12 Bauer Media Oy

Frequency block 13 Businessradio Finland Oy

Frequency block 14 Mediatakojat Oy

Frequency block 16 Radio Kajaus Oy

Frequency block 17 Bauer Media Oy

Frequency block 18 Bauer Media Oy

Frequency block 19 Patmos Lähetyssäätiö

Frequency block 20 Livelaboratorio Oy

Frequency block 21 Mediatakojat Oy

Frequency block Kuopio-Iisalmi 1 Kevyt Kanava Oy

Frequency block Kuopio-Iisalmi 2 Suomen Lähiradiot Oy

Frequency block Mikkeli 1 Kevyt Kanava Oy

Frequency block Mikkeli 2 Mediatakojat Oy

Frequency block Savo 1 Kevyt Kanava Oy

Frequency block Jyväskylä 1 Keski-Suomen Media Oy

Frequency block Kotka-Kouvola 1 Kaasilansalmi Oy

Frequency block Rovaniemi 1 Lapin Klubi ry

Frequency block Pirkanmaa 1 Radio SUN Oy

Frequency block Pirkanmaa 3 Bauer Media Oy

Frequency block Pirkanmaa 4 Etelä-Suomen Media Oy

Frequency block Tampere 1 University of Tampere

Frequency block Tampere 2 Radio SUN Oy

Frequency block Tampere 3 Pispalan Musa Oy

Frequency block Tampere 4 Pispalan radioyhdistys ry

Frequency block Tampere 5 Kevyt Kanava Oy

Frequency block Pohjanmaa 1 Kevyt Kanava Oy

Frequency block Pohjanmaa 2 Bauer Media Oy

Frequency block Pohjanmaa 3 Nordic Palvelu Oy

Frequency block Pori 1 Mediatakojat Oy

Frequency block Pori 2 Alueradiot Sastamala Oy

Frequency block Rauma 2 Marva Media Oy

Frequency block Helsinki 1 Etelä-Suomen Media Oy

Frequency block Helsinki 2 Kansan Radioliitto - Folkets radioförbund ry

Frequency block Helsinki 3 Finest Plus FM

Frequency block Helsinki 4 Basso Media Oy

Frequency block Helsinki 5 Sanoma Media Finland Oy

Frequency block Helsinki 6 Sanoma Media Finland Oy

Frequency block Helsinki 7 Mediatakojat Oy

Frequency block Helsinki 8 Mediatakojat Oy

Frequency block Helsinki-Kotka Basso Media Oy

Frequency block Porvoo 1 Radio Foni Oy

Frequency block Turku 1 Turun Lähiradioyhdistys ry

Frequency block Turku 4 Basso Media Oy

Frequency block Turku 5 Turun Paikallisradio Oy


Meri-Maaria Moilanen, Legal Counsel, tel. +358 295 34 2058, Twitter @merimoilanen
Olli-Pekka Rantala, Director-General, tel. +358 50 344 34, Twitter @op_rantala

Government plenary session 15 November 2018 [In Finnish]
Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority - Tajuuskokonaisuudet 2020 [In Finnish]
Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority - Radion ohjelmistotoimiluvat 2020 [In Finnish]