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Ministers for European affairs to prepare for March European Council

Government Communications Department
Publication date 21.3.2022 13.47 | Published in English on 21.3.2022 at 15.59
Press release 190/2022

The EU General Affairs Council will meet in Brussels on 22 March. Items on the agenda for the meeting include preparations for the March European Council, changes to the Regulation on the statute and funding of European Political parties and political foundations, the European Semester and the progress of the Conference on the Future of Europe. Minister for European Affairs Tytti Tuppurainen will represent Finland at the meeting.

The General Affairs Council will discuss the draft conclusions of the European Council meeting to be held on 24–25 March. In that meeting, the European Council will discuss Russian military aggression against Ukraine, security and defence, energy, economic issues, COVID-19 and external relations.

“Finland strongly condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and is responding to Russia’s actions as part of the EU. The EU must ramp up its sanctions against Russia systematically if the situation so requires. Political, economic and humanitarian support to Ukraine must be continued and increased without delay,” said Minister Tuppurainen.

The ministers will hold a public debate on the Commission’s proposal to revise the Regulation on the statute and financing of political parties and political foundations at the EU level. The Commission’s election integrity package also includes other statutes that will be discussed later. The aim is to prevent election interference.

Based on the updated roadmap for the European Semester, the Ministers will exchange views on the Council’s contribution to the 2022 Semester and submit the draft recommendations on the economic policy of the euro area to the European Council for its approval. The European Semester is a cycle of economic, fiscal, labour and social policy coordination within the EU. It is part of the EU’s economic governance framework.

In addition, the French Presidency will inform the ministers on the progress of the Conference on the Future of Europe. 

In the General Affairs Council (GAC), the EU Member States are primarily represented by their ministers for European affairs. The tasks of the Council include preparations for the European Council meetings. The GAC is also responsible for a number of cross-cutting policy areas, including negotiations on the multiannual financial framework and EU enlargement. Questions related to the rule of law are also an established part of the Council’s agenda. 

Inquiries: Heli Siivola, Senior Specialist for EU Affairs, tel. +358 50 576 7745, Saara Pokki, Special Adviser, tel. +358 45 679 6363, Prime Minister’s Office