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Kirsi Pimiä appointed as Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of the Interior

Ministry of the Interior
Publication date 23.1.2020 13.24 | Published in English on 23.1.2020 at 13.43
Press release 6/2020
Kirsi Pimiä.

On 23 January, the Government appointed Kirsi Pimiä, Master of Laws with court training, as Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of the Interior. She will take up her new post on 1 February and her term of office will last for five years.

Kirsi Pimiä has worked as Non-Discrimination Ombudsman at the Ministry of Justice since 2015. She is on leave of absence from Parliament, where she has held the position of Committee Counsel since 2003.

In 2013–2014, Pimiä worked as Director of the Unit for Democracy, Language Affairs and Fundamental Rights at the Ministry of Justice. From 2012 to 2013, she served as Ministerial Adviser and Head of Unit at the Prime Minister's Office. In 2007–2008, Pimiä served as Special Adviser to the Minister of Justice and in 2001–2003 as Senior Specialist of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs at the Permanent Representation of Finland to the EU. From 1997 to 2000, she worked on several occasions as Senior Officer for Legislative Affairs of the Green Parliamentary Group. At times, she also worked as Committee Counsel in Parliament.

The Permanent Secretary assists the Minister in directing, developing and monitoring the work of the Ministry and the agencies within its branch of government. The Permanent Secretary leads the Ministry’s strategic planning and coordinates its implementation, is responsible for effective internal control, assists the Minister in planning, implementing and monitoring broad-based issues, and manages performance guidance within the Ministry’s administrative branch.

A comprehensive security clearance has been conducted on the Permanent Secretary and a six-month non-compete agreement will be concluded with her under the Act on Public Officials in Central Government. This means that during the period the office holder cannot transfer to other tasks outside central government in which he or she would benefit from the use of confidential information.


Jukka Aalto, Director General, tel. +358 40 570 5124, [email protected]