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According to the OECD, Finland’s development cooperation has been successful also during the COVID-19 pandemic

Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Publication date 4.6.2021 8.40
News item

Finland has received positive feedback on the good quality and implementation of development cooperation. Particular praise is given for the reforms and results-based approach to development cooperation. This shows in the Mid-term Review of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

A boy is standing in front of a classroom and reading from his booklet. A group of boys are listening behind a school desk.
Development Assistance Committee praises Finland for instilling a strong results-based culture in development cooperation. Photo from Ethiopia: Kirsi Pere/UM

The OECD estimates that Finland’s development cooperation has been very impactful also during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Finland was praised especially for instilling a strong results-based culture in development cooperation. The principles of results-based management are applied in development cooperation programmes both in the planning, implementation and decision-making phases. This has a significant link to the achievement of indicators of development in developing countries. Finland has developed theories of change for its development policy priorities to help to verify the effectiveness of development cooperation. 

The OECD notes that Finland can set an example in the promotion of results-based culture for other DAC member countries.

Cooperation has led to successes

The new country strategies and programme documents, prepared for Finland's long-term partners in low-income countries were also acknowledged. Finland's close cooperation with multilateral development cooperation organisations, civil society organisations, and the private sector is key to successful development cooperation.

The question of how to attract and retain people with expertise in development cooperation matters in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs remains a challenge for Finland. 

The OECD’s latest DAC Peer Review of Finland’s development cooperation was published in 2017. In the peer reviews, DAC member countries receive recommendations for improving their development policy and development cooperation and for learning from and sharing good practices.  The mid-term review, conducted this spring, focuses on how Finland has managed to respond to the 2017 peer review recommendations.