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Government resolution: Transport Safety Strategy aims to improve the safety of all modes of transport

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 24.3.2022 13.40
Press release

In its resolution on Transport Safety Strategy, the Government outlines measures that aim at improving transport safety and preventing traffic accidents. The resolution was adopted on 24 March 2022. The purpose of the Strategy is to raise the overall level of transport safety on land, in water and in the air.  

The objectives of the Transport Safety Strategy are based on the zero vision initially set for road transport and now extended to all modes of transport: road, rail, air and water transport. According to the Strategy's vision, by 2050 all modes of transport are so safe that no one will die or be seriously injured in traffic.

"The zero vision is ambitious, but that is the level needed to ensure that transport safety development is on the right track", Minister of Transport and Communications Timo Harakka says.

"In the latter half of the 2010s, there has been a worrying slowdown in the transport safety development in Finland. Now, at the latest, it is time for effective measures so that the work gains new momentum," Minister Harakka says.

According to the Strategy, the guidelines for transport safety are:

1) Transport safety is an issue that concerns everyone in society

2) Decision-making must be based on knowledge

3) Traffic skills must be improved

4) Attitudes in traffic must be changed

5) The transport system and all of its components must be safe

6) Technological advancement improves safety, and

7) Legislation must promote safe mobility.

Altogether 103 measures to improve transport safety

The action plan of the Transport Safety Strategy includes measures for improving the safety of all modes of transport. Each of the 103 measures in the plan has a designated responsible party as well as indicators for development.

For example in road transport measures, attention has been paid to accidents involving young or elderly drivers and to accidents related to micro-mobility or substance abuse. The measures cover level crossing accidents, rail suicides, water traffic accidents due to alcohol abuse and incidents in unmanned aviation.

Improving transport safety is based on the Government Programme

The Strategy is underpinned by the objective stated in the Programme of Prime Minister Marin's Government, according to which improvement of traffic safety will be included in the development of the transport system and services.

The Strategy is also based on the EU's Vision Zero. Its goal is to eliminate road traffic fatalities in EU Member States by 2050.

Strategy is a result of broad-based cross-administrative cooperation

The Strategy was prepared in broad-based cross-administrative cooperation with stakeholders. It was drafted by working groups focusing on specific modes of transport. The groups had representatives from a total of 53 different parties across administrative branches. In addition, dozens of experts and other parties were consulted. Moreover, two consultation rounds were organised as part of the preparations, and the number of comments received amounted to more than 200.

What's next?

The Strategy provides a framework for transport safety work in 2022-2026. It presents the parties responsible for each measure. They are to be in charge of the practical implementation work. The work is guided by a monitoring group led by the Ministry of Transport and Communications.


Requests to interview Minister Timo Harakka: Susanna Niinivaara, Communications Director, tel. +358 40 081 6187, [email protected]

Maija Ahokas, Director of Unit, tel. 040031 6178, [email protected]

Institutional Repository for the Government: Traffic Safety Strategy 2022-2026. Publications of the Ministry of Transport and Communications 2022:3
Gateway to Information on Government Projects: Traffic Safety Strategy (LVM054:00/2019) (in Finnish)