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Sirpa Paatero thanks companies for their strive for more sustainable production

Government Communications Department
Publication date 24.11.2014 12.30
Press release 520/2014

(Translation. Originally published in Finnish on 24 November 2014)

The minister responsible for state ownership steering is worried about the negative effects of the reform of the EU waste directive.

Sirpa Paatero, the minister responsible for state ownership steering, thanks Finnish businesses for their efforts to introduce more sustainable production methods.

According to Paatero, investments in sustainable practices in all stages of business and production chains should be seen as investments to bolster competitiveness.

"The Finnish businesses are taking determined steps towards the introduction of ecologically more sustainable production methods and energy sources. This is something we should be proud of," says Minister Paatero.

"We are no longer on the threshold of change but our companies are, step by step, turning ideas into reality."

Paatero says that politicians should safeguard that regulations steering the change are appropriate.

"This is where I get worried. As an example, we can cite the reform of the EU's Waste Directive which is currently being prepared in the European Commission. The planned reform could deal a serious blow to the efforts to develop and encourage the use of waste-based fuels."

The state-owned company Neste Oil, for example, would suffer from the reform as it has invested heavily in the production of biofuels over the recent years.

Paatero, who spoke at the inauguration of Altia's biofuel plant in Koskenkorva, said that Koskenkorva's investment is a prime example of how to use production side streams in an efficient manner.

Paatero emphasises that the achievement of the set climate, energy and material efficiency goals require action from all sectors and that industrialised companies are in many respects key to this change.

Inquiries: Paavali Kukkonen, Special Adviser, tel. +358 295 160 241, Prime Minister's Office