Changes in the administrative branch of the Ministry of the Interior at the turn of the year

Ministry of the Interior
Publication date 20.12.2024 11.00 | Published in English on 20.12.2024 at 15.54
Type:Press release

The start of 2025 will see the entry into force of new acts and decrees. This press release provides a summary of the most important changes in the Ministry of the Interior’s administrative branch.

International protection becomes temporary – more attention paid to security concerns

International protection will be made temporary in nature and the length of permits will be shortened to the minimum allowed by EU law. Committing offences and endangering national security will lead to the refusal or end of protection status. The legislative amendments will enter into force on 2 January 2025.

In future, a refugee will be granted a residence permit for three years instead of the current four years. The length of an extended permit will also be shortened from the current four years to three years.

The first residence permit based on subsidiary protection will be issued for one year instead of the current four years. An extended permit based on subsidiary protection, in turn, will be issued for two years instead of the current four years.

Regulations regarding fire safety equipment are reformed

On 19 December, the Ministry of the Interior issued three decrees on fire safety equipment. The new decrees are related to the reform of the Act on Rescue Services Equipment. The new Act on Certain Fire Safety Equipment and the revised decrees of the Ministry of the Interior will enter into force on 1 January 2025.

The Act on Certain Fire Safety Equipment regulates the requirements, installation and maintenance work and inspections of fire detectors and automatic fire extinguishing systems installed in buildings. Fire detectors and automatic fire extinguishing equipment must be inspected before commissioning the equipment and every three years thereafter. As a new feature, the Act provides for a re-inspection if the inspection body detects serious deficiencies in the equipment during the periodic inspection.

The Act on Certain Fire Safety Equipment also regulates the inspection and maintenance, as well as inspection and maintenance work, of portable fire extinguishers. A portable fire extinguisher must be inspected every two years or once a year, depending on the location of the portable fire extinguisher. The inspection obligation does not apply to portable fire extinguishers purchased for homes, but it is recommended that they also be regularly inspected.

The purpose of the decrees is to clarify and update the regulations concerning fire safety equipment and to ensure that fire safety equipment is functional and suitable for the purpose. This contributes to the Government Programme goal of enhancing the prevention of accidents and fires.

Fees charged by the police and the Finnish Security and Intelligence Service to change in 2025

The Ministry of the Interior has issued decrees on fees charged by the police and the Finnish Security and Intelligence Service. The decrees will enter into force on 1 January 2025.

The prices of passports and identity cards, among others, will increase at the beginning of next year. The price of a passport applied for electronically will be EUR 53 next year and the price of a passport applied for in person will be EUR 57. The price of a passport applied for electronically will increase by EUR 9 and the price of a passport applied for in person by EUR 7. The new price of an identity card is EUR 67 when filed personally and EUR 63 when filed electronically.

The fees for personnel security clearances conducted by the Finnish Security and Intelligence Service will also be raised in 2025. According to a preliminary estimate, the most common type of security clearance to be conducted is the concise personnel security clearance, the fee for which will rise to EUR 80 (an increase of EUR 15). The Finnish Security and Intelligence Service conducts security clearances on both persons and companies. Upon application of a party requesting a security clearance, the Finnish Security and Intelligence Service may carry out a security clearance on a person or a company that has consented to the clearance.

Changes to the fees of the Finnish Immigration Service and reception centres

The Ministry of the Interior has issued a new decree on the Finnish Immigration Service’s application processing fees. In addition, the decree on the fees charged for reception services will be amended. The decrees will enter into force on 1 January 2025.

The processing fees for several types of residence permit applications will be increased to correspond to the actual costs of processing. In addition, a fee will be introduced for the renewal of residence permit cards for beneficiaries of temporary protection. The processing fee will be EUR 20 for electronic applications and EUR 40 for paper applications. Renewing the card is not mandatory: the first residence permit card will continue to be free of charge and valid for the entire duration of temporary protection, even if the date of expiration shown on the card is no longer valid.

A reasonable fee may be charged for reception services from reception centre customers who have regular income or significant assets. The fee charged for reception services will now be increased from a maximum of EUR 9 to a maximum of EUR 12 per day. The fees for reception services have not been increased since 2011 despite a significant increase in costs. The aim is now to gradually increase the fee to correspond to the actual costs of reception activities.

For more information, please contact:
Berit Kiuru, Senior Specialist, tel. +358 295 488 283, [email protected] (international protection)
Sanna Montin, Senior Specialist, tel. +358 295 488 314, [email protected] (international protection) from 7 January
Kirsi Rajaniemi, Ministerial Adviser, tel. +358 295 488 432, [email protected] (fire safety equipment)
Jaana Rajakko, Senior Engineer, tel. +358 295 488 435, [email protected] (fire safety equipment)
Johanna Kari, Ministerial Adviser, tel. +358 295 488 662, [email protected] (fees charged by the police)
Noora Jokela, Ministerial Adviser, tel. +358 295 488 567, [email protected] (fees charged by the Finnish Security and Intelligence Service)
Katja Kaukonen, Chief Specialist, tel. +358 295 488 675, [email protected] (processing fees for residence permit applications)
Tiina Järvinen, Senior Specialist, tel. +358 295 488 625, [email protected] (fees charged for reception services)